The VAC4EU network is currently leading or collaborating in 19 studies, including pharma-funded safety and effectiveness studies, one EMA-funded safety and effectiveness study, and one CDC-funded study. VAC4EU also offers top-down competitive study opportunities based on a request for proposal which is reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board, and bottom-up approaches from members with allocated funding per year, reviewed by the Executive Board.
Manufacturer-funded studies
VAC4EU is involved in several post-authorisation studies on both safety and effectiveness for several different vaccine products.
EMA-funded studies
To date, VAC4EU has led three EMA-funded studies to completion, with another currently on going.
CDC-funded studies
VAC4EU serves as the coordinating center for the European sites in the CDC-funded Global Vaccine Safety Project.
VAC4EU-funded studies
VAC4EU offers opportunities for eslf-funded studies.