In addition to its 27 member organisations, VAC4EU has active collaboration with several other networks and institutions.
The Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN)
The GVDN is a multinational, investigator-led network with the aim to evaluate vaccines through analysis and evaluation of large clinical databases, focusing on rare events, and coordinate response to concerns regarding vaccines. VAC4EU is an active member of the network and participates in the Global Vaccine Safety Project, a GVDN-led study with funding from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We also make regular contributions to their Safety by Numbers newsletter.
European Vaccine Initiative (EVI) and the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI)
EVI and TBVI are both European non-profit product development partnerships that support global efforts to develop effective and affordable vaccines. VAC4EU has just begun discussions with these initiatives with many possible topics of mutual interest, including pandemic preparedness in Europe.
World Vaccine Congress (WVC)
WVC are the largest and most established vaccine meetings of their kind across the globe, featuring the voices of industry-leading experts and topics that cover everything vaccine related. VAC4EU has had a strong presence at past WVC events, including organising working groups and panels. We have also offered a discount for members to register for the events.
The SIGMA Consortium
SIGMA is a European collaboration with the aim to better understand the safety and effectiveness of medical interventions. It is a contract-based alliance of ENCePP which enables multi-country studies to study treatment responses in large populations. VAC4EU and SIGMA have a shared vision and a mutual goal within the pharmacoepidemiology / real world evidence field, and we will continue to develop existing synergies and share expertise and knowledge.
Active Citizenship Network (ACN)
ACN is the European and international interface of the Italian civic participation organization Cittadinanzattiva. It is a flexible network of European civic organisations which are involved as partners in its different projects, with the aim of encouraging the active participation of citizens in European policy-making. VAC4EU is exploring common training activities, project calls of common interest, and building trust and collaboration to increase access to information on vaccines.